image credit: P!nk via Instagram
Today in Ways Women On The Internet Continue To Be Shitty: P!nk's instagram.
P!nk dared to not only cook while wearing her baby, but to also share a picture of it.
And here come the Sanctimommies.
EVERYONE STOP. P!nk is going to set her baby on FIRE. He is going to be cooked.
For those who think it's pretty cool to call P!nk a shitty mom, I have questions:
1. How many kids do you have?
2. Would you be happier if she had a nanny watching the kids? Or a chef cooking the food?
3. Do you actually know what she's cooking?
4. Have you ever tried to cook while your baby screamed?
5. How many kids do you have?
6. Do you have any hobbies aside from criticizing people on the internet?
Related: I Don't Care If You Don't Like It: You Are Not Entitled To Your Sh*tty Instagram Comment
Pause to discuss how awesome P!ink is.
I have five kids and there is no way anyone would have eaten if I hadn't cooked with them ON me in one way or another.
Moms get stuff done.
The end.
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